Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Digital Tool to Unlock Learning

One way to help students gain agency over their own education is through technology.  A  free Web-based platform CFY developed called PowerMyLearning which contains 1,000 (soon to be 2,800) digital learning activities and games from across the Web that have been carefully selected and categorized by teachers and education specialists.
The program appears to have made a big difference especially for struggling students. The school reports that the percentage of last year’s sixth graders with learning disabilities who met or exceeded standards in math (testing at level 3 or 4) increased by 36 percent, while the percentage of students who had been below standard (testing at level 1) decreased from 23 percent to zero.


Unknown said...

This article has a lot of worthy points. This was a big chance to help the student success and attaining their goal in life. For me, this program might be the solution in Philippines education. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Greg of inquirer Philippine education

Unknown said...

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Talkshop Best English School said...

This learning activities will be a big help for the students. Like the Language Arts games, this will improve their vocabulary and at the same time they are learning. Like what my kid did before, when i enrolled him at TalkShop. They have a English drama play. It helped him improve his confidence and also his English communication skills.

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